Thursday, October 31, 2013

Is SAAB Finished Automotive Diversity Threatened


With the emergency deal with the Chinese Industrial company Hawtai falling through what does this mean for the future of Saab. Does this mean we will have one less company that actually tests for Moose impacts and an end to an Era? Will consumers no longer have a stylish non German option if they dont want to find themselves in a the leather caress of a BMW or a Mercedes Benz? All of these questions are floating around right now with no easy answer.

Saab right now from many sources is worth far less than electric boutique car designer Tesla and seems now that it has been black listed in the investment world. With low sales numbers but a very dedicated group of buyers Saab was never the most profitable company but it filled a very necessary niche. It was a stylish sedan with a fun to drive turbo engine and an excellent AWD system. It was the love of many consumers who wanted a comfortable convertible in the summer and a snow eatting AWD machine in the winter.

With the Russians and now companies like Hawtai and Great Wall Motors turning down negotiations with the Spyker owned Saab the future looks very dark and it looks like another part of car culture as well as automotive diversity will die quietly. While many consumers wont notice some will sorely miss the Scandinavian touch and artistry as well as the beautful aeronautic based interiors will simply have to move on and accept that it simply wont exist in the future unless something is done soon.

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